以上活動採〝預約制〞,一日四場次(09:00/10:00/13:00/15:00),不管您是一人,或是500人,接請來電預約(03)9653670 #88,謝謝!
08:30-17:00,365 days a yea
【Guided Tou
+ diy】Introduction:Game:stack it up & fish and lift + All about pencil(video
+ Tou
the production line + Story time + DIY.
Activity time:2hours. Fee:NTD150 each person.
All activities are 〝by appointment only〞,4 times a day(09:00/10:00/13:00/15:00),Regardless if you are a party of 1 o
500,please call in advance +886-3-9653670 #88,thanks!
誕生於西元1947台北的〝玉兔牌〞以紅橢圓白兔子跳躍意象做為品牌LOGO,為台灣文具製造史寫下超過一甲子的精采;西元2008年---玉兔在宜蘭羅東廠 誕生觀光化的【玉兔鉛筆學校】,分享玉兔的〝變化與堅持〞,結合三大特色:在地文化、企業精神與生活教育,將寓教於樂的精神自然流露~,現在常可聽到老朋友的感性的驚呼地說:「啊!這就是爸爸,我小時候寫的筆耶!」由玉兔導覽姊姊們帶著大家遊玩,嬉戲間體驗鉛筆製筆的奧義,知道鉛筆為什麼叫鉛筆?好奇鉛芯為何常削斷?其實是~~~賣個關子!等您親自來尋寶、找答案吧!
The second generation of Ra
it introduced tourism serviced in 2008,by transforming thei
old factory in Yilan into the modern Ra
it Pencil School,and led the industry with cutting edge application. Once again,this little
it is agilely hoping in front of everyone,to the non-stop gasps and exclamations 〝that's it,this is the pen dady used when I was little!〞Do you know why the pencil is called pencil? What is its
elationship with lead?What cause a lead to snap and
reak off? Well,you will have to come and find the answers in person!
